Love OPM: Luigi D'Avola

Love OPM now features the fresh new face and talent of Mecca Music, Luigi D'Avola... If you haven't heard of him yet... I am telling you.. You should check him out!

Yes, yes, yes.. i know.. i know.. he is a cutie! But more to that, he is way too good in music. Mecca Music's new talent is one for the record too. Champ Lui Pio said that they are already working on his album and he strongly believe that Luigi will break OPM's grounds this 2013, like what his other artist Somedaydream did.
Luigi was introduced by Smart's Live More campaign with the song "It's Your Life":
And here is Luigi's beyond amazing single that won the hearts of many teenage girls across the country...
Take A Chance:
Seriously, I love Luigi D'Avola... he's talent is young and raw but truly promising. I am in great admiration of his talent and I am excited to see more of him in the music industry. I am hoping to personally encounter him soon, because I am a fan. He is currently playing shows in almost everywhere so go ahead and check him out!

To download “Take a Chance” on My Music Store:
To download “Take a Chance” on  iTunes Philippines:


For more information on Mecca Music’s artists, please visit:
Luigi on Facebook-
Luigi on Twitter-

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