Oh5! 2012 Year-ender TOP PICKS: Foreign Films!


-Oh5 Foreign Films of 2012 that I loved. Again, this is my personal TOP PICKS. Let's see if you loved these films too... :)

#5: This Means War
(photo credit: http://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/523175_507791282583594_1010688965_n.jpg)
• An action, romantic comedy film that I loved. It is cute, funny and heart-racing! Reese Witherspoon is one lucky gal! I recommend you watch this if you haven't yet. Chris Pine is ♥!

#4: The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part2/ The Hunger Games
(photo credit: http://sphotos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/407643_356330981050095_813670704_n.jpg)
•Breaking Dawn 2 - This was my most awaited finale of all time! I am a fan of the Twilight Saga and I must say that I was entertained by Breaking Dawn Part 2! It was worth the wait. The movie was executed with an unexpected twist.
• The Hunger Games - Another book got me hooked, sharing the same spot with Breaking Dawn 2! The tributes,Katniss and Peeta are characters I hugged from the book until the big screen. I can't wait for Catching Fire! :)

#3: The Lucky One
(photo credit: http://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/556631_462401440457132_1989476732_n.jpg)
•Hey! It's a Zac Efron film! Of course it will be on my list! Haha! Seriously, this landed straight to the 3rd spot because I love how Zac Efron executed this film. And on a higher note, this is a Nicholas Sparks novel! No questions asked, this is a must on my list. :)

#2: The Vow
(photo credit: http://sphotos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/406852_412322185501317_69136434_n.jpg)
•Okay, after Zac Efron.. here comes Channing Tatum! Yes, yes! The Vow for me was so heart-breaking. I am moved by this movie. I loved how Channing's character is so devoted in love.

#1: The Avengers
•The funniest super hero movie of the year! The Avengers was off the hook! It's definitely my top 1! The kid in me was unleashed! I thought I already outgrew fantasy films but this movie made me love super hero movies again. Iron Man is my favorite. :)

There are a lot of great films that will be released this 2013.. can't wait! :)

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