Local Male Singers
•The Oh5 Top Picks list for the local male singers who serenaded me and made me appreciate their music this 2012, be it on TV or live... Let's get it on!
#5: Richard Poon
(photo credit: http://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/399098_10152082169115175_462902223_n.jpg)
•The Crooner is on my top 5! Woohoo! I just loved the fact that he is a crooner loved by pinoys and is even mainstream on TV as part of the Sessionistas of ASAP 2012! His unique style was embraced! I love Richard Poon. :)#4: Bryan Termulo
•The cutie charmer Bryan Termulo, a.k.a the Prince of Teleserye Themesongs holds Top 4 on my list! As I have also personally met this guy, he is humble and gentle. His talent in singing is shining! Bryan sings from the heart. I am in full support of Bryan in his up coming projects. He made me believe when I heard him perform live.
#3: Markki Stroem
(photo credit: http://sphotos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/527196_10151034576682011_1349789756_n.jpg)
•My favorite local Jazz performer. I was just recently hooked into his music. And I was also able to meet this fine man on his Slumber Party movie premiere. I must say that, more to his captivating sound and good looks, he is one of the few, who appreciates. I am humbled every time he tweets to say his thank yous! His songs Steal Your Soul and Thousands of Pieces were looped in my ipod! :)#2: Christian Bautista
(photo credit: http://sphotos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/551296_405711286124849_754521171_n.jpg)
•The balladeer I loved through the years, Christian Bautista is on #2! The Asiansation as I know have been a very successful artist in and out of our country. He is a brilliant singer and a charmer as always, Christian never fails to sing the songs that melts my heart.#1: Jay Perillo
(photo credit: http://sphotos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/230649_10150174431833752_5973089_n.jpg)
•No questions asked, my idol Jay Perillo is reigning the Oh5 Top Picks for local male singers! I believe in him more than I believe in anyone else. He is more than just a singer but he is a musician! Jay Perillo is always beyond amazing, as a performer and as a person. Sir JayP is now working on a new album to be released this 2013. And I am hoping we can all anticipate his newest record that will unfold the JAY PERILLO that will soon to conquer the local music scene! PEYBORIT KITA POREBER SER! ♥Like my blog's FB fanpage: http://www.facebook.com/MightyMausTrap
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ehhhhhhh super LOVE ko yun NUMBER 4, The cutie charmer Bryan Termulo, a.k.a the Prince of Teleserye Themesongs holds Top 4 on my list! As I have also personally met this guy, he is humble and gentle. His talent in singing is shining! Bryan sings from the heart. I am in full support of Bryan in his up coming projects. He made me believe when I heard him perform live.--SIMPLE WORD PERO TAGOS SA PUSO KO ANG MGA COMPLIMETS MO IDOL RAMDAM KITA DITO EHHHH BKIT TEARY EYED AKO hahahahah EMOTERANG FROG LANG NAKAKAPROUD KC XA, NAKAKAINIS KC NAKAKA ADIK PARANG KAPE LANG THANKS ATE MAU LOVE KA NAMIN :)