Mico Sajo: #Idol ko si..

Mico Sajo is a colleague who supports my #Idol blog series! Who's his idol? Let's check!

#Idol ko si.. KEVIN DURANT 35 -Mico Sajo

Kevin Durant! Mico sure shows love for Basketball! Nice! How about you? Who's yours? :)
Follow Mico on twitter: @MicoSWGR


Thank you for sending in your photo SWGR! :)

*Do you want to be part of my #Idol blog series? Simply send me a photo of you holding-out the #Idol ko si.. statement and let me know who's your idol! Be proud! Send your photo through email: riyamaemau@yahoo.com or tweet your photo  to me @MsMightyMau. THANK YOU! :)

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  • Mico Sajo: #Idol ko si.. Mico Sajo is a colleague who supports my #Idol blog series! Who's his idol? Let's check! #Idol ko si.. KEVIN DURANT 35 -Mico Sajo Kevin Durant! Mico sure shows love for Basketball! Nice! How about you? Who's you… Read More


  1. Thanks for featuring me on your blog Mau! :) hehe! yes! ARTISTA nako! HAHA :D

    1. HAHAHA! nakowpo! dadami na FANS mo nyan brad! :p
