Avid Liongoren a Filipino Artist from Outer Space!

"I exist to create different things to relate to different people." 
-Avid Liongoren

This is a pure personal blog post, not a promo, not a press release, not an event.

AVID LIONGOREN.. visual artiste extraordinaire, mmm.. where and when did I first heard his name? Ah! I kinda remember, it was with Yeng Constantino's music video for Time In, which if I'm not mistaken, was around 2007.

I don't know Avid personally but I totally admire his works, whenever I see one, I was totally wowed. Everytime. So I decided to feature a quick taste of his works here in my blog, to show appreciation in his own works of art.

Avid is an illustrator (he draws mostly monsters and weird looking creatures but it's totally amusing) and a director, mostly of TV ads, animations, feaure/short films and of course, music videos. Talking about creativity eh?!

On his illustrations and "dorwings", I wanted you to see for yourself so I will feature 3 of them, randomly picked, because I am totally having a hard time to pick a favorite!

A part of his project 365 in 2007 (06-05-07)

A part from his project 365 in 2008 (07-11-08)

A part of project 365 in 2009 (10-09-09)

Breath taking?! Yes, i know. See more of them here: 2006-2009 http://project365.multiply.com/
and his works before that can be found on this link: http://avidliongoren.com/littlerocket/index.htm

Now, moving on, let's go to his side of being a director... I love his music videos and short films (almost all of them), and I am hooked especially the animated ones, but I decided to feature his KAMIKAZEE music videos.. why? Because 3 Kamikazee songs tells a 3-part story in 3 music videos! Here you go:

HALIK - Kamikazee

TAGPUAN - Kamikazee


To see more of his works and be amazed as I am, you can visit his youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/avidliongoren or here: http://avidliongoren.com/_videofolio.htm

I believe in his craft. Avid Liongoren is an artist from outer space. His creative mind is way out of reality. I am a fan and beyond. I will be thrilled to personally meet him or if given a chance, to work with him. Hopefully soon. I am not an artist, I am not good in drawings or any forms of art, but I am the viewer, appreciative to all forms of art. Thank you for your works sir Avid! :)

Go and check out more of Mr. Avid Liongoren in Tumblr:  http://misteravid.tumblr.com/
and go visit his own website: http://avidliongoren.com/

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